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FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates
FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates
FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates
FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates
FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates
FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates

FR skates

FR FRX 80 PREMIUM Black Inline skates

On customer level, the brand is known for wide availability of replacement parts and reliable, quality gear.



Although Seba brought many innovations in to the skating, for the majority of their history they were laser-focused on just two disciplines - freeskating and freestyle slalom.

Since early days, the brand has been striving for innovation and growth of both freestyle slalom and freeskating. It is safe to say that without Seba, both disciplines would be in a very different place.

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